The Sewing Machine must die!

So these are our Imse Vimse swim nappies. The one of the left is our newest addition. This is the way they should look. The one of the right is our old swim nappy, after 18 months (give or take) of solid use every week, I finally retired her. Not because she no longer worked, but simply because she was old and worn.

Because she still works I decided I would use her again... ELMO style...

I cut her down the sides so I could get the shape, I added new elastic across her back, front and legs (just to be sure) and pinned her altogether...

It was then that my sewing machine snapped my needle, ate my thread and just generally was not agreeable. It does this often, I thought finally the gremlin had left when I had thirty minutes of solid sewing without missing a thread or catching. Apparently not...

So until she gets a service (and probably a fix) no more sewing in this house! Phooey!


Parenting Premmies on November 27, 2010 at 2:42 PM said...


BTW, which one is the new one? You said the old one was on the left AND the new one HAHA!

Misty on November 27, 2010 at 6:22 PM said...

lmao!! Hmm apparently I should proof read closer haha. Thanks =D

Parenting Premmies on November 27, 2010 at 8:35 PM said...

Your welcome =D


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