I won - Bink Link

Well just like I dont normally post about giveaways to earn entries into competitions on blogs, I usually dont post about wins either. Mostly because I don't win!!

Well all that has changed, all thanks to Hip Little One and Mini Hippo.

This is what I won:

Photo from Mini Hippo Website.

Its a Bink Link, this one is the Gumball design. I had one similar to this for my own son when he was a baby. It worked a treat, right up until the day he learnt how to undo the clip lol. I got it from a local baby store that unfortunately stopped selling similar to the above and then shut down shop as she was having her own children. So now, all I need to do is find another baby to use this little treasure on ;-)

Happy Days!


Parenting Premmies on November 27, 2010 at 8:34 PM said...

WOOHOOO! I knew it was you when I saw the name, I just knew it =D YAy yayayay!



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