
So it's fast approaching to be that time of year once again. The Christmas tree is in its box, the ornaments in another. I have however made our christmas cards. I love making them and this year was so much better than last.

Last year they were simple photo cards, shoved into envelopes and sent off. This year I used my digital scrapbooking program for the front image. It's my gorgeous boy playing outside, one of my favourite shots of him.

Inside I made simple christmas trees and used pre-printed stickers for the 'message'.

Now to find out how many I actually need (I suspect a lot less than usual given I'm no longer on forums) and to personalise them with a message, ready to be sent no earlier than December 1. And, yes, I have already gotten two Christmas Cards... It's still only NOVEMBER! Bah humbug! lol.


Parenting Premmies on November 27, 2010 at 2:39 PM said...

Oh those are nice!!!


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