The Lavender Bag

This is a design from The Art of Crochet series. It is a lavender bag, the sort that you put in your underwear drawers.

Its a pretty basic pattern of trebles made into clusters with double crochets in between. The thing I loved about this pattern, was the yarn! Its a Milford soft yarn and it just crocheted into a lovely random colouring. i had originally bought it to make some doilies with but never got that far. I'm glad I didn't now.

The first step was to crochet until it was 30 cms long. The end result was a bit misshapen...

I suppose that is why as part of the instructions it tells you to block it out before sewing the seams! haha! So naturally being the follower that I am, I proceeded to block it.

It took quite a number of pins to put it all in place, then I used a damp white face washer and gave it a gentle press. Viola, it was all pretty and square... well rectangular.

There was nothing left but to sew up the sides, crochet a lovely and simple shell boarder around the top edges and then thread a ribbon through. The actual pattern calls to make and insert a lavender sachet and then simply tie a ribbon around to hold it in place.

Well I have allergies so I'm not going to use it for a lavender bad at all, rather a pretty little gift bag at some stage... maybe even for something much better than lavender... like, I don't know... Chocolate!


Parenting Premmies on December 1, 2010 at 7:31 PM said...

So pretty!


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