Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I gave in to the Christmas spirit and pulled out all our Christmas decorations this morning. I still refuse to write on any Christmas card until at least December 1st but I figured it was either this weekend or next to do the tree as our mid week is usually pre-occupied. It amounted to a few boxes and random items...

So off to work we set... My little one was more keen on playing with his farm animals then helping, however once the tree was up and I found the baubles "bubbles mummy!" he showed slightly more interest. Last year we had a silver and blue theme with a splash, dash and drop of other random colours, so this year we stuck to the same theme. This year, however, the glass baubles (beautiful as they may be) stayed in their plastic container for another year. Good thing too, as we dropped a number of them in decorating, the best part about the plastic ones is that dropping them on solid wood floors = bounce! Not smash!

As usual the first thing to go on the tree was the lights... bah... a tangle of wire and coloured lights. Note to self - next time be more careful in pulling of and packing away so as not to spend half the morning untangling them!

Bah humbug!

The last thing to go onto our tree is our special ornaments. There is one for each christmas that we have had together as a family. (Well two for the first one as it was pretty special). My favourite is the bottle with the tree in it... I still have to buy this years, but there is plenty of time to do that.

Im terrifed of a little someone grabbing them off, but at the same time, they need to be on there. Its just so!

We always have a card string along the hearth. I use tinsel to cover the blue tak holding it up. I pulled out the tinsel and little one immediately exclaimed "Catapillar!" He had a blast playing with that one piece of tinsel! It doesnt go with the blue theme of the tree, but purple is my favourite colour, so who cares!

You'll notice the empty stocking over the heater, my idea this year is to get little one to place all his dummies into the stocking before bed Christmas Eve as a gift to Santa. In exchange Santa will bring him something special, just for him. It's my hope that he will be able to understand this concept and make giving up his dummies a little more easy on the both of us. Ive been wanting to get rid of them for ages, and this seems like the perfect opportunity... I hope he doesnt hate Santa for life for taking them though lol!

The final touch in our Christmas make over is the front door. What door isnt complete without a Christmas Wreath?

...Merry Christmas...



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