Apple Crumble Delight

This is a variation of two different, 4 ingredient, recipes. Although I have never tried the proper 4 ingredient recipe I must say, that my version ROCKS! It also contains no apples from a can =P

So yummy.

  • 8 Granny Smith Apples (approximately 800 grams), peeled, cored and sliced
  • Sugar to taste
  • 250 grams Scotch Finger biscuits, crushed
  • Small handful of chopped/quick oats
  • 75 grams of softened butter

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

On a medium heat add chopped apples to saucepan, add Castor sugar to taste and cook through. Do not allow to boil. Once apples are cooked take off heat and place into oven proof dish. Layer evenly.

Using a mixer, beat the butter with sugar to taste (not much is needed given the biscuits to be used) until light and fluffy. Add crushed biscuits and oats, mix until combined. (Note this will not form a solid mass but be crumbly in texture). You may wish to add Cinnamon to the mix at this point.

Take the biscuit mix and cover the apples.

Place in oven and cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Variations can include lemon juice, saltanas and cinnamon.



Parenting Premmies on November 1, 2010 at 11:00 PM said...

And where was my invite????


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