My closest friends

It has been a tradition with one of my closest friends that we send one another a small gift for Christmas. Usually encompassing a magnet of some sort. This year I couldnt find one that said what I want it to, so I took my trusty camera outside and went looking for a nice shot. I took a few but only one really suited my purpose.

I have two very close friends, however they are close relationship and thoughts wise moreso than distance. Both are at opposite points of the country to me really. Oh well. With that in mind I thought it quite apt that for this years magnet present it be not only sent to my original friend but also to my other close friend so that she too knew what I was thinking and feeling...

I have no doubt that they will both like them.


Parenting Premmies on January 6, 2011 at 5:33 PM said...

I LOVE it! =D

You did such an awesome job on it too. It's on my fridge right at eye level height, so that every time I go to it I can see it =D

Thank you xx


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