Christening Card

After finally coming to the decision to allow my son to attend his estranged cousins christening, it posed the new question of gifting. The actual gift was not really a problem. I managed to find a very lovely children's bible from the online bookstore The Book Depository. I love their store, very competitive prices with no charge for freight. Granted I'm still waiting a week on for my book, but I'm in no rush, the Christening is not until January 2011.

Of course, with every gift is the card. Previous to this, I have been to a few other christenings and the cards for such occasions are very limited in stores and just don't seem to encompass the middle ground. They are either very child/novelty or religious, there is no even middle. So this time, I made our own.

The inspiration for this card was a little from Sarah Klass, Jak Heath and Lotus Art Studio. All found from google images.

The base of the card is a simple mottled cream card stock. The cross sits up on its background and then the background stands out from the card. Along with the written section. Overall, it turned out better than expected, especially with a toddler being carried back to bed every five minutes!!



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