Just hanging about

It's not very often that I get out and about for the sole purpose of taking some photos of my little one. However, just the other day, I finally got to take some. I was aiming for a nice shot of the two of us, but I just looked fat and frumpy. Not the look I was after. I did however get a few nice shots of little one on his own.

This is just one of the photos I took. Obviously I have played around with the original shot, just because I can. I used the free program GIMP to manupulate the photos.

The original photo, cropped to size

Changed to black and white.

That old style feel, my favourite of the three.

Little one was very cooperative and even wanted to climb back into the tree once we were finished lol! It was a lot of fun and it was great to see him enjoy doing a very much boy past time. Although I dont think I will be very happy when he starts climbing trees without mummy around lol!



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