Rocking Horse

This is my very first attempt at Filet Crochet. I've never followed a chart in regards to crochet or knitting for that matter ever before. Overall the finish isn't too bad, keeping in mind that I had no idea what yarn to use nor what needles etc, so I just fudged it.

The pattern that I used was by Sandi Marshall, a free chart hosted by Her result was very square, whereas mine is slightly more rectangular. Either way it wasn't a bad result at all!

It took about three days, on and off again. The above is the unblocked result. It took an hour to block it all out as I only had so many pins and a smaller ironing board lol!

I used Baby Bella Evelyn yarn with a slightly bigger hook then they recommended. I did that because I had full intention of adding granny squares and the like to make a boarder for it, which were all done with the same tension. However once I put them next to it, it will turn out to be too bulky and heavy looking, so I'm going to just make a lace border until I achieve the size I want.

All blocked out

It does currently have its ends hanging out in places. Ill sew them in when I do the finishing edges. I found the yarn to be extremely frustrating (possibly why it only cost $1 for a 50gm ball). Each ball that I have used has had knots (yes knots!) joining the ends of the yarn together. Resulting in the loss of at least a few inches of yarn while I cut out the knot and then reattach during stitching. I'm not sure if it is a sign of the quality of the yarn, where it is manufactured or both? I know I have never come across this, especially to this degree, before though.


Parenting Premmies on December 13, 2010 at 2:38 PM said...

Beautiful x

The Unexpected Blogger on December 13, 2010 at 2:51 PM said...

That's gorgeous! Well done!


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