All wrapped up...

What you'll need:

Pair of pliers or other pointy instrument
Tissue Paper
Metal Braids
Gift to be wrapped and sticky tape (not pictured)


  1. Using the tissue paper, scissors and sticky tape, wrap your present as you would normally. Ensuring that all ends are tidy.
  2. Getting your ribbon, cut a piece that wraps all the way around your gift both horizontally and vertically, with an extra 10 - 15 cms.
  3. On the surface that is to be the top place the ribbon across the top third of the gift, take it around the back and then twist the two ends of the ribbon around one another once, take the ribbon back around the front of the gift vertically. Take the ribbon back up the the top third and with approximately the same amount of ribbon thread the ends under the original horizontal placement. Tie the ends in one knot around the horizontal placement.
  4. Take the ends of the ribbon and thread them through opposite sides of the knot and then knot again.
  5. Cut another section of ribbon approximate 20cm and tie in a knot over the original knotted ribbon, so that the new ribbon is at opposites to the original.
  6. Trim the ends to suit.
  7. Using the flame melt the ends of the ribbon CAREFULLY so as not to burn anything, but to stop fraying.
  8. Using the melt braid and the pliers, attach the braid in the centre of the bow for finishing.


Parenting Premmies on January 6, 2011 at 5:35 PM said...

Gorgeous... one question though... what's a metal braid?

Misty on January 6, 2011 at 11:02 PM said...

The ones I used for this have the nice smooth rounded top surface while underneath they have four sharp legs sticking out that you poke into things then bend over to hold in place... hence its not really child friendly lol

Parenting Premmies on January 7, 2011 at 12:24 AM said...

Oh I think I know what you mean... like a claw on the back? LOL

Misty on January 7, 2011 at 6:08 PM said...

exactly! =D


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