Sentimental Sunday - The Flute

So for those who are listening, you are no doubt aware that I am doing the 365 day project. As something different I thought that I would carry some of it over to here as part of a Sentimental Sunday posting about different aspects to my life. Some will be about things of old and some will be about new things, all of them will hold a special place in my heart.

The Flute.

So I have been a flutist for over... well a while ;-) I started when I first entered high school. I was nothing special but I enjoyed it. I had lessons every week until I finished school. I even did my HSC music assessment on it. To this day I still cringe at those pieces but alas can mostly play one of them by heart. All be it a bit stumbly and clumsy but still, thats what you get for not practicing.

I got this flute for my 18th birthday, before that my parents rented one from the school. I was so excited, they gave me the choice between a laptop and a flute, I chose the flute because I would use it more (ah hindsight rofl). Still she holds a very special place in my heart.


Parenting Premmies on February 19, 2011 at 10:52 PM said...

Oh beautiful!

I always wanted to play an instrument... but music isn't exactly a strong point. I remember doing the test in year 7 to see if I would be suitable for an instrument and I was one of the lowest scoring people... needless to say I didn't learn an instrument (other than a recorder HAHA)


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