Getting Crafty

How does anything possibly get done in this mess?! And this is a good day lol.

Underneath I have a blue sewing case of paints and paint brushes, a pink sewing case of cross stitch, a red spotlight bag of various crochet and knitting ready to go projects… all in various stages of completion. Either side of the desk is two bedside tables full of scrapbooking pieces, and on top of those and on top of the desk is more scrapbooking…stuff. The tiny little section of blue at the front is my work space lol!

This isn’t even everything, you can’t see the built-in robe still with scrapbooking papers, or the tall boy behind the camera packed full of more folk art paint, sealers, brushes, knitting wool and various pieces of arty farty fluff… or the HUGE pile of quilting materials currently strewn about on my floor in the last minute rush to make a taggy ball for my sisters friend.

Nor can you see the crochet bucket that lies beside my bed with various blankets, bags and scarves all in various stages of completion…

Plus there is another box of quilting materials that live on my back verandah never quite having made it inside from the move almost 3 years ago!!

And honestly… for me this is organised chaos! =O



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