Sentimental Sunday - The Dress

Over the last week DS and I have been going through my old toys. In those are a bunch of dolls clothes. Each of them hold some special memories, but this one in particular. You see it was made over twenty years ago. It was made just for my sister and I, and it was made by our Grandmother. According to my own mother its only ever been used as a dolls dress even though it is quite clearly sized for a child. I have so many memories of me as a child sitting near my Grandmother as she knit or crochet. Perhaps that is where I picked up my love of the craft from? I know this dress definitely gave me inspiration to try to make one in a similar style, length and size for my upcoming niece should one of the twins turn out to be a girl!

LEFT: Grandmother original RIGHT: My copy

Note. Original is white due to lighting on the day it came out looking less than fresh.
Pattern for the recent copy can be found at HeartFelt Angels



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