The Scrapbook

I've never been one to do digital scrapbooking. I mostly put pen to paper and scissors with glue, cross my fingers and be pleasently surprised at the end.

I tried once or twice on a very basic $14 digital scrapbooking program to see if I would like it. I did, however, due to the programs capabilities... or rather inabilities... I was unable to do anything with my created projects. They just sat there, unable to be looked at by anyone without the same program, unable to be exported for printing, what was the point?

At this stage I decided to look around for something that could do all that and more. I looked at the Creative Memories Storybook program and its lovely price put me off. That combined with the fact that I would still need to use my trusty GIMP program if I wanted to manipulate my photos. Not really an issue as GIMP is free, but still, if Im paying that price I want all the bells and whistles to boot.

I went to our local Hardly Normals (Harvey Norman) and had a look at their range. It was a decision between Serif Digital Scrapbook Artist and something not Serif Digital Scrapbook for slightly less. However SDS did everything I wanted it to do and more. It did everything Creative Memories did, plus some. I was sold.

I got it home and started right away, I couldnt help myself. I couldnt stop. Hours upon hours creating my sons story book. The story of his life, from conception to birth and beyond...

Then the unthinkable happened... my hard drive died...

I have a copy of the pages on a facebook album. Im praying that a copy of them is on my thumb drive, along with all the hundreds of embellishments that made up those twenty plus pages so that I can continue where I left off. I had a dreaded feeling that they arent. That I will have to start again. I cant bear to look on my drive to find out...

An example of one of the pages



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