
Yesterday I finished my very first library bag. I made it from scratch without the aid of an official pattern and fudged it as I went.

The result was rather impressive even if I do say so myself. I am not 100% happy with the draw string straps and may change them before I give it to the lucky little lady. Time will tell.

It was made for Miss Erica. A friend's daughter who is starting school next year. Im sure she will love it. It is made from a soft denium look fabric, with flower motif embrodiery. I couldnt have found a more lovely main fabric. I made my very first ever lined pocket which turned out perfectly first go!!

The Pocket detailing

The name was fused on before using blanket stitch over the edges for a more professional finish. The most difficult part of the name was trying to use the iron on the fusing while getting the rounded letters to fold underneath so as to avoid fraying without burning my fingers.

Detail of the lettering

They turned out rather well. Her name is perfectly centred across the top and the colours just blended better than I could have imagined.

Hanging by the straps.

The inner layer is a special fabric that I got from Green Beans Australia. Its called PUL - Poly Urethane Laminate. Its a water proof, breathable fabric that is used as a layer in modern cloth nappies to prevent outer clothing from getting wet. I orginally went to Spotlight to see if they had a readily accessible equilivilant, the sales attendant basically looked at me strangely and tried to sell me something that would not do what I wanted it to. So I promptly came home and shopped through the colours on GB. It was really pot luck as to if the colour would work of not. It came in the mail and it was fantastic! I musky pink which complemented all my other colour choices! Woo Hoo!. Making the lining work was a bit of a pain as I hadnt done a bag or lined one for that matter, for over ten years! TEN years!


Parenting Premmies on October 15, 2010 at 6:51 PM said...

It's beautiful xx


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