
I spent today making the most of my time and making a Taggy.

Whats a Taggy I hear you ask? Well... a Taggy is a small blanket or piece of material that has (wait for it) tags sticking out from the sides. Taggys can also be childrens toys that have little tags around it. The concept being that children, babies in particular, love to play with tags. Wrap their fingers around them and explore all the different colours and textures.

My very first Taggy has ribbons of different width, texture and colour. It is based around a rainbow coloured fleece and a white spotted microfleece as the main design. On the back is a simple cotton spotted fabric. In the middle runs a piece of cellophane that brings with it a crinkling sound that all children love.

I am considering quilting through the middle with a name otherwise I was considering embroidering the name in one of the small white squares. I am still undecided about either if any.

It turned out remarkably well given that most of the size measurements were guesstimates as to how large I wanted it to be and how long the ribbons etc. So all in all I think my judgement made for a pretty Taggy.



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