The Easter Bunny

Ever since I saw a post on a forum I belong to about The Toy Society I have been working away to make an Easter Bunny to drop, on Easter.

I thought it would be a kick for a child to find the Easter Bunny on Easter and set about knitting.

I love knitting but unfortunately, like everything, it has been put on the back burner for some time as life just gets busy. However, I made sure that I left myself with plenty of time to do it and it actually came together a lot quicker than I thought.

The wool I used was left over from making my own sons crochet blanket. And the stuffing is new, yet again recycled, bamboo basting left over from his quilt. The unfortunate thing was that I gave the bunny to my son for him to 'test'. It passed with flying colours, so much so that I had to make another one just for him! lol. That will teach me!

The Bunny completed with time to spare.

In his natural environment.

Today was the day, My son, his Aunt and I all went to the Adventure Playground today to make the drop. I was completely terrifed of being caught, especially as it was so busy. I had planned to make the drop a lot earlier in the morning when everyone was more likely to be at home eating chocolate, however the Gods conspired against us. I made the drop while my son was playing on the smaller slide and we went to play on the swings. Although there were people playing on the slide, it seemed like no one was going to notice the Easter Bunny. We left not too long after and as soon as out backs were turned, the bunny was gone. I hope he like his new home and brings some joy to another family. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

The Easter Bunny waiting to be found.

And so I shall continue to pay it forward at random. I am in the process of making another bunny, and then I shall make some bears for the hospital in which my sister works. And who knows, maybe one of them will find their way at random to The Toy Society. ;-)



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