Crochet cardigan

I don't know why I ever knitted before. I can't believe how absolutely fast, simple and perfect crochet is. I equally cant believe it took close to twenty years for me to discover these facts.

My only down point about crochet is that all my baby book patterns are for knitting. I don't have a single crochet pattern book for babies. I have a couple that my sister gave me as a gift, one with little animals and one with a random scattering of household objects to start off. But none entirely devoted to the baby.

Why baby? Because they are quick and easy and someone will almost always undoubtedly use them!

So with my lack of crochet patterns for baby I have become a fan of google and looking for free patterns of every variety.

I stumbled my way across a gorgeous pattern - Baby Cardigan on IVilliage - which was a marvelous find two fold. One because it was just what I was looking for and two because it is written by a Brit! No having to convert double crochets to trebles etc here. Wooo!

It even turned out pretty impressive for my first attempt at crocheting a cardigan... I did have a minor mishap (or two) in the creating but shhhh you cant tell...



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