The Blanket

YAY! I can finally make my post about the blanket.

A good friend of mine is now 36 weeks pregnant. A week or so ago I finally got to sending her a parcel which included a little something for bub. One of those surprises was a crochet blanket that I had made for her.

When she first fell pregnant I was wondering what little something I could send her way. There is such a variety of wonder kids clothes on the market today but they dont really carry that 'something' special like a hand made gift.

I had thought about making a quilted blanket however Im still working on my son's from when I was pregnant. That combined with the fact that my sewing machine is still on my kitchen table in bits did not indicate that a quilted blanket was the best of ideas.

We were talking one night on MSN and she was discussing a pair of crochet booties that she had from when her daughter was a baby. This got me to thinking about the granny square blanket that my ex's mother made him. And I in turn thought... why not.

So I picked out a few pieces of scrap wool from various projects that I have made over the years just to see what would happen. It started out with me following directions from the internet and not having much of an idea at all.

Then things just flowed on. I tossed in a bit of colour and ended up having to buy more wool because it was turning out much better than expected.

The end result is sized just enough for a throw rug/lap blanket so perfect size for bubba. Its very soft and feels very warm.

I was so inspired by just how well it turned out that I started one for my son... Its still not finished...

A closer look at the pattern and colours

A simple but effective edge to finish.


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